Vitech Innovative Research and ConsultingVitech provides contract research and software system development services to scientific communities and industries in, but not limited to, areas such as underwater and fisheries acoustics, digital signal and image processing, statistical data analysis, and scientific computing. We assist our customers with their research and technology development by providing advice and technical support. We work closely with our customers to develop strategies and plans, and also execute the plans for them if requested. Our mission is to help them accomplish their mission in the most cost-effective way. For more information, please contact Vitech at The following are some projects Vitech has completed or is currently working on:
The hydro-acoustics program operated by the Pacific Salmon Commission provides estimates of the daily passage of salmon at a site located near Mission B.C. The knowledge of species composition is critical in the estimation of sockeye and pink abundance for the Fraser River Salmon Fisheries Management. This knowledge has historically been derived from test fishing data, and may be subject to significant bias. Recent applications of the high-resolution sonar system (DIDSON) at Mission and upstream locations have provided a unique opportunity to examine this challenging problem.Vitech was funded by the Pacific Salmon Commission to conduct a feasibility study of deriving species composition estimation from DIDSON imaging sonar data. The project has been accomplished and the result shows considerable promise (Email us for a copy of the report). The Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada, deployed an intermediate range sonar system at at Chatham Point in southern Johnstone Strait of British Columbia, to monitor returning salmon with a goal to estimate the abundance of salmon passing through the area. The system can continuously collect acoustic data during the salmon season. Vitech was contracted to conduct numerical analysis of the acoustic environment in the observation area, and develop tracking algorithms and software, allowing automatic analysis of large database and estimation of fish abundance. The first phase of the project has been completed. The Pacific Salmon Commission has been using split-beam sonar systems at a site located near Mission B.C, to provide estimates of the daily passage of salmon. This is a continuous program with the need to handle a large amount of data each day in the season. Vitech was contracted to develop a software system that allows users to visualize and analyze split-beam sonar data to derive an estimate of daily passage of salmon. The software system performs automatic tracking of sonar data and allows users to filter out unwanted tracks using a pattern recognition technique.The system has played a key role in the hydroacoustics program. Copyright 2003-2008 by Vitech Innovative Research and Consulting. All rights reserved. |